Annay Birthday Week - Day 1 - Tray-Baked Chicken

Annay Birthday Week - Day 1 - Tray-Baked Chicken

Annay and I love to make our birthday’s extra special, so as a tradition since we first started dating, we start celebrating our birthdays a week before. We call it “Our Birthday Week”, and it’s like a countdown to our birthday’s.

For an entire week we give the special birthday person extra loving and care. A special home cooked meal, a morning of breakfast in bed, and movie night, which the birthday person picks which movie we will watch. For Annay, she absolutely loves romance and Tyler Perry movies, which are not necessarily my cup of tea, however, I always take one for the team on her special week.

Another thing Annay love is Greys Anatomy. When I say love, I really mean obsessed, she can re-watch episodes over and OVER again. I have seen Christina Yang eyebrow less and crying in the middle of a living room about 51643034613 times. Needless to say I don’t care for Grey’s, however, again, on her special week I take one for the team and watch Meredith and Christina dance it out.

As the week goes by I will be documenting the Miss Annay’s special birthday week and capturing all the extra love she gets! Today was a special home cooked meal that I made from our cookbook by Jamie Oliver. If you haven’t picked up his cookbook you really need to, there is not one recipe that Annay and I don’t find interesting and yummy!

Hope you enjoy this week with us and make sure to sign up for daily updates so you can see Annay’s birthday week!

And now....Tray-Baked Chicken


And us in hats...because we can!  (phone pic)